Turn youremployeesinto ambassadors

Attract talent, retain employees and make them ambassadors to increase your visibility and better your reputation as an employer.
1. What’s an employer brand?
2. Why is it useful for me?
3. Fastlane's methodology

Great resignation, teleworking, increased importance of values in employer selection,… Attracting and retaining talent has never been so important and difficult for businesses and organisations. It’s a matter of reputation and excellence. But how exactly can you make your brand resonate among potential employees? How do you go keep your employees happy and so proud of working for your organisation that they are willing to promote it to their network? Just like other branding tasks, it’s about establishing your own distinctive qualities.

Fastlane can help you define what makes you stand out as an employer, create a relevant communication strategy and come up with an employee advocacy plan that will increase your visibility among target employee groups.


What's a employer brand?

Employer Branding consists in defining and promoting your image as an attractive place to work at. It encompasses employee value proposition, company culture, and online reputation. It’s about going the extra mile to ensure that your company grows its reputation as an employer of choice.

An employer brand is usually the fruit of close collaboration between HR, internal communications and external communications/marketing departments. While the former provides first-hand information on recruitment issues, employee feedback, company values and packages, the other two provide professional support through dedicated strategies and campaigns.

Unlike a brand archetype which mostly remains stable over time, an employer brand is constantly fluctuating according to societal trend. These days for instance, a good employer branding needs to factor teh likes of values dear to GenZ, growing concerns over mental health, work/life balance, climate change, etc.

Why is it useful for me?

Employer branding is about retaining and attracting top talent of course, but there is actually much more to it.

The importance of creating a strong employer branding can be framed around one objective: turning employees into ambassadors of your company or organisation. It’s far from a luxury, as there is nothing more damaging for a brand than a group of disgruntled employees spreading their frustration on social media. Likewise, mismanaged communication crises can negatively impact your recruiting campaigns.

A good employer branding will prevent this from happening by creating a strong employee value proposition that’s in line with your brand archetype and identity. This will help attract skilled candidates, retain employees and even turn them into ambassadors happy to share how working for your organisation has been a treat. Think of it like a backtage pass: the last thing you want is for people to realise that things from inside are nothing like the image you promote publicly.

Fastlane's methodology

Fastlane’s methodology helps you develop an authentic and compelling Employer Brand. We can survey your employees, assess your online reputation, help you define your EVP and core values, optimize your career pages, and establish an employee advocacy program.

Our methodology helps you attract and retain top talent, foster employee engagement, and position your organization for long-term success.

1. State of play analysis

The first step in the creation of your employer brand consists in gathering all relevant information you have available: brand identity, EVP, recruitment marketing approaches, job announcements, claimed values, etc.

2. Online reputation and employee survey

In this step, we assess your online reputation bu auditing your LinkedIn account, analysing online reviews and generally how people (employees or not) talk about your brand online. We complete this with a survey for employees that will help us shape your EVP.

3. EVP and core values

We help you develop a unique EVP and core values that accurately reflect your organisation's mission and goals, and resonate with potential recruits.

4. Employee feedback channels

We help you set up feedback processes and channels so that you can monitor potential issues and adapt.

5. Career pages

Career Pages are essential to your employer branding. We can create or optimise your career section, improve its indexing, creae compelling content and stories, and set up effective online recruitment campaigns.

6. Employee advocacy

When building your employer brand, employee advocacy is the tip of the iceberg. We can help you create appealing employee ambassador programmes to increase your reach both online and offline.
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